December 20, 2012

As you may have noticed, my blogging had become a lot less frequent. I knew being a mom would be a lot of work, but did not anticipate so little sleep. Dealing with post partum insomnia is soooo hard! I've been going many nights on only 2-3 hours of sleep. It has affected my willingness to blog and the energy I do have, I like to preserve for my daughter.

with my baby girl, my life

I started blogging back in late 2008. I initially got into it as suggested by fellow Specktra members, a site where I used to be a very active member. The ladies there wanted me to start the blog to document the makeup looks I was then doing on a regular basis and share reviews of products I was using.

Blogging has been an amazing journey for me. I've blogged very actively for 4 years now and have loved inspiring others with my looks and take inspirations from other blogs. I have also made some great friends across the globe. One of my favourite aspect of blogging was talking to my followers via comments. It seems though as there are so many blogs out there now or maybe my blog becoming old and boring (lol), the comments are becoming less and less frequent. And so there is a lot less motivation for me to spend the little energy I have these days to take photos, edit, type, know the drill. I wonder, would it really matter?

I'm likely going to keep the blog as reference when I need to be inspired by my own old makeup looks. Meanwhile, I'll take a short, or very long break from this.

As I have near 600 followers, I'm guessing someone will read this. And if so I hope you understand :)

5 Responses to "Blogging Journey - Thinking about quitting the blog ...."

  1. mybeadifullife Says:

    If you do, maybe try just taking a break! You could always come back later when you are able to get more sleep ---when daughter gets older and sleeps through the night.

  2. Clara L. Says:

    ^ Exactly what she said, that way it isn't definite! I'd love to see your makeup looks on here someday again.. that is, when you're more rested and feeling better :) just take a long hiatus!

  3. Shayla Says:

    I totally understand! I did the same thing with Reve Noir, but then started Vivid Melange as more of a personal blog smattered with beauty stuff.

    Your family and well-being definitely take first priority. While I'm sad to see you go, do what's best for you!

  4. Amina Says:

    I love your blog and like many said, do what's best for you.
    I've thought several times of closing my own blog too due to busy schedule with school. You can either take a long break or just post once a week..once every other week. You don't have to post every day. Again your family is the priority as well as your health. Do what's best for you :)

  5. BRosa Says:

    You and your family are first. That's what matters. Merry Christmas. +Hugs+

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