June 15, 2010
I thought I change gears from my FOTD postings and talk about some of the things I'm looking for in the near future. Feel free to share yours :) These are not really in an order, just grouped together in a post:
1. World Cup finale - I don't care who's playing, all I know is that I will be watching with a bunch of friends and may the best team take the cup!
2. Hot summer days - it has not been as hot as it can be here in Ottawa yet. I want above 25 deg temperature and I wanna use my parents pool. I also want a deeper tan! Bring on the sun!
3. Our third wedding anniversary - hubby and I tied the knot August 2007 so this year is our third wedding anniversary. We have been together for 8 years but there's something even more special about our wedding anniversaries. We want to have some professional photos taken and I'm excited about that.
4. Chanel's Fall Collection- I saw the preview pictures for this and am so pumped. There's gonna be a purple themed quad which might as well be my firs Chanel quad. I've been loving their lip products in the last bit so I'm excited!
5. Caribana - the Caribbean festival is happening every year in Toronto and is the biggest one in the continent. My hubby is from the Caribbean so we have been once when we first started dating. I had a great time the last time so I cannot wait! Also, we going with a bunch of good friends some i haven't seen for quite some time.
What are you looking forward to these days?
6:44 PM
June 15, 2010 at 7:52 PM �
The Puget Sound region has had clouds and rain and similar temperatures (high 40s, low 50s, very occasional really low 60s) pretty much since October...except for about a week in February, where it was gorgeous. Even the moss is starting to get depressed.
I'm looking forward to drying out :D We're supposed to have sun and temps in the 60s for the next five days. I am SO VERY MUCH looking forward to having an actual summer!!
June 15, 2010 at 8:11 PM �
This is gonna soudn weird but I'm looking forward to winter!
Here in Fort Lauderdale it is super hot and humid. I do not enjoy going outside unless it is something water related like the beach and pool.
I am also looking forward to this weekend. We are going to stay in a hotel for free!! thanks to my hubby's co-worker ;-)
June 16, 2010 at 1:56 AM �
I'm looking forward to the final too! Hope it includes England!
June 16, 2010 at 8:43 PM �
Liann - tell me about it. It's pouring here again today since the morning! Where is the sunshine?
Fintia - hehe, winter has its beauty but here in Canada we have long winters so summer is such a blessing :)
Rebecca - hehe, I hope it involves either Italy or Argentina. Either way I will watch it and love every minute of it.